This resource page is part of my
Fun with Fiction program for elementary and middle grade schools.
If you know of a reputable print or online publication which actively encourages submissions from writers aged 16 or younger, please let me know, either in a comment or by email (, and I'll add it to the list.
Some of the sites listed contain helpful tips and advice for young writers, others, like the magazine, Stone Soup, offer cash payment for stories and illustrations by young writers.
IMPORTANT: Before submitting any work, please make sure you understand what (if any) payment to expect, and in particular, what (if any) rights you’ll be giving up should your work be accepted.
Stone Soup magazine is made up of stories, poems, book reviews, and art by young people through age 13. To get an idea of the kind of work they like, check out their Archive of Children’s Writing. They welcome submissions by children ages 13 and younger.
And they pay too! All contributors whose work is accepted for publication receive a certificate, two complimentary copies, and discounts on other purchases. In addition, contributors of stories, poems and book reviews are paid $40 each.Wordcount: Stories may be any length up to 2500 words.
What to Include: Your name, age, birthdate, home address, phone number, and e-mail address.
Be sure to read the Submission Guidelines: Skipping Stones‘Submissions by youth’ guidelines: Skipping Stones - A multicultural magazine (
Launch Pad MagazineAccepts submissions from 6 to 14-yr-olds (
CRICKETMAG.COMAs a young writer, you can’t submit your work to or its subsidiaries, but can enter the group’s monthly contests in SPIDER®, CRICKET®, ASK® or MUSE® magazines. Each month has a specific theme and deadline, so be sure to look at the current issue of the magazine before sending an entry.
INTERESTING BLOG POSTS ABOUT WRITING My regular roundup of interesting blog posts about writing from around the web. Probably not too many of the recommended posts apply specifically to young writers, but you’ll find some of them useful.
FINDAWRITINGGROUP.COM Writing is by nature a solitary business, but that doesn’t mean we have to do it alone. If you're looking for a writing group or you'd like to promote one. If you want to start up something new or just want to connect with other writers online, this is the place for you.
THE NEW JERSEY AUTHORS NETWORK (NJAN) Writers and authors based in the Garden State put on panel/Q&A sessions at libraries throughout New Jersey. Check the group’s website ( for details of coming NJAN events in your area.