Networking is about getting yourself and your work noticed (preferably in a good way), but with over 43 million blogs on LiveJournal alone, it's easier said than done.
With that in mind, I thought it might be fun to host a network week, here on An Englishman in New Jersey, where people can promote themselves, and hopefully make some new friends and/or connections.
If you'd like to take part, just leave a comment, telling folks a little about yourself, your work and where they can find you online.
If you're in a writer's group, let us know which one(s). Planning on attending a conference or event soon, share the info (and a link too, if you have one). You never know, maybe some other folks here are going to the same thing.
Here's my info:
My name is Jon Gibbs. I live in Manalapan New Jersey. I write Middle Grade (see sidebar for info on my debut novel, Fur-Face). I'm the founder of
The New Jersey Authors Network and
I like pinacoladas and getting caught in I am a member of five writing groups:
GLVWG (Greater Lehigh Valley Writing Group); the
GSHW (Garden State Horror Writers);
SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators); the
Liberty States Fiction Writers and the
Monmouth Creative Writing Group.
I'm on
Goodreads and
Twitter. My website,, is currently undergoing repairs.
I'm taking part in a few events over the next week (see
this link for more details).
How about you?
Care to share your info?