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msstacy13 May 8 2011, 19:56:31 UTC
Thank you for asking.
Edward Eggleston's The Hoosier School-Master,
with an introduction by Gustavo Bondoni,
and Jules Verne's Around the World in Eight Days
are both scheduled to be available on amazon in June.
Willa Cather's The Song of the Lark,
with a commentary by Kimberly Todd Wade,
Voltaire's Candide,
with and introduction by Kate Jonez,
and Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court,
with an introduction by Jim Toomey,
and Charles Dickens' A Christas Carol
are all opimistically scheduled for release
later this year.

I'm also hoping to complete the paperwork
(and pay the fees) necessary
to arrange for a locally owned bookstore to sell
Flatwater Press titles on consignment.

Meanwhile, if anyone on your flist would like to write
and introduction to or commentary on
a book in the public domain,
they should leave a comment to that effect here,
and we can make the necessary arrangements.

I'm also hoping to assemble an anthology,
but I'm not yet prepared to handle open submissions,
and my hand-picked volunteers haven't yet stepped forward.
I'll try to corral an associate editor to organize that.


msstacy13 May 8 2011, 19:58:38 UTC
that Eighty Days, not Eight.

Sorry if anyone thought it was a condensed books version...


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