Here’s my selection of interesting (and sometimes amusing) posts about writing from the last week:
Tag, you’re it! (Karen Nutt)
Fears about the Publishing Process (Rachelle Gardner)
How to Book a reading (Eric Blank)
7 Things I’ve Learned So Far (Rachel Friedman)
Battling the Pre-Release Angst (Lisa Schroeder aka
Spaghetti Agents (Nathan Bransford)
Why celebrity books don’t make me cranky (Jennifer R. Hubbard aka
The Generosity of Strangers (Greg Frost)
Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Rewrite That Scene (The Intern)
by way of
Nathan Bransford If you have a particular favorite among these, please let the author know (and me too, if you have time). Also, if you've a link to a great post that isn't here, feel free to share.
If you found these useful, you may also like
my personal selection of the most interesting blog posts from 2010 and
last week’s list.