
Apr 08, 2008 13:33

Collection of Blogcrews
will be placed here. :3
(Because I've got so much going on in my userinfo already)

“ With each ℘ a s s i n g
I continue to hope that ℵKIM JAEJOONG will appear
on my doorstep, holding two red balloons.

Kim Jaejoong and I played °╘ 7 minutes in heaven ┘°
•● We had so much fun! ●•

-.-" Perhaps you didn't hear me correctly. I will ONLY be vain the JAEJOONG way! Got it?

♫ anywhere you go, I will be there

I got arrested by the cops for trying to smuggle Kim Jaejoong out of the country.

they always say there are
plenty more fish in the sea,
well Kim Jaejoong will always be my nemo

I'm the Queen of Jaejoong land

When I'm with [ Kim Jaejoong ]
it feels like I'm in heaven

And I am telling you I'm not going
【Kim Jaejoong】 is the best man I'll ever know
There's no way I can ever go
No, no, no, no way I'm livin' without him

● ♥ ◄KIM JAEJOONG► is my Barbie girl♫ ♥ ●

I gave 〖Kim Jaejoong〗a red rose walking home one day.
A few days later, 〖Jaejoong〗 stopped me, gave me a white rose, kissed me on the cheek, and said, "I love you too.ღ"

{ Jaejoong} & {BJ}
Two souls, one heart

Kim Jaejoong』 is the reason I

《Kim Jaejoong》 is my SUSHI BABY
| He just keeps me shouting for MORE |

⇨Kim Jaejoong⇦, ☆★let's flip a coin★☆
♪ if it's h e a d s, we'll be together †forever†
♪ if it's t a i l s, we'll flip it again ♥

☆ ★ ☆ I got pregnant by [◄ Kim Jaejoong ►] and when I told him about it, he clasped my hands in his, looked me in the eyes and said “I take responsibility. I love you and I want you to marry me right now!” And I said “YES!” ☆ ★ ☆

Kim Jaejoong 》 is my slut, and i'm his pimp

[ Kim Jaejoong ] said to me, "I am complete now that I've found you"

{ Jaejoong } & { BJ } are married to each other.

Jung Yunho and I played °╘ 7 minutes in heaven ┘°
•● We had so much fun! ●•

JUNG YUNHO rocks my world... ♥

I got arrested by the cops for trying to smuggle Jung Yunho out of the country.

I gave 〖Jung Yunho〗a red rose walking home one day.
A few days later, 〖Yunho〗 stopped me, gave me a white rose, kissed me on the cheek, and said, "I love you too.ღ"

{ Yunho} & {BJ}
Two souls, one heart

Jung Yunho』 is the reason I

⇨Jung Yunho⇦, ☆★let's flip a coin★☆
♪ if it's h e a d s, we'll be together †forever†
♪ if it's t a i l s, we'll flip it again ♥

-.-" Perhaps you didn't hear me correctly. I will ONLY love bigger than the Gingerbread Man's vitality the YOOCHUN way! Got it?

「Park Yoochun」 is better than chocolate

they always say there are
plenty more fish in the sea,
well Park Yoochun will always be my nemo

【PARK YOOCHUN】 took me for a ride in his car

'Park Yoochun' was born to be loved by me

I gave 〖Park Yoochun〗a red rose walking home one day.
A few days later, 〖Yoochun〗 stopped me, gave me a white rose, kissed me on the cheek, and said, "I love you too.ღ"

「Kim Junsu」 is better than chocolate

★☆[ KIM JUNSU ] && [ I ] /ROLL LIKE/ "THAT" ☆★

» KIM JUNSU is the cheese to my macaroni

● ♥ ◄KIM JUNSU► is my Barbie girl♫ ♥ ●

Watch the night turn into day,
dance on the Milky Way,
[ Kim Junsu ], melt me with your eyes,
my star boy rules the skies

『Kim Junsu』loves me truly, madly, deeply and there's nothing you can do about it!

[SHIM CHANGMIN] and I love to watch the clouds together for hours on end to see if we can spot a heart-shaped one.

「Shim Changmin」is like fire

I got arrested by the cops for trying to smuggle Shim Changmin out of the country.

If I'm the frog, Shim Changmin must be my prince.

'Shim Changmin' was born to be loved by me

●★☆「 Shim Changmin」☆★●
whenever you're on tour
i listen to your voice messages
just to hear your voice

Watch the night turn into day,
dance on the Milky Way,
[ Shim Changmin ], melt me with your eyes,
my star boy rules the skies

『Shim Changmin』loves me truly, madly, deeply and there's nothing you can do about it!

♫ anywhere you go, I will be there

「Ikuta Toma」 is better than chocolate

[Ikuta Toma] didn't know what to give ME for my B-DAY so he decided to give ME HIMSELF

[ Ikuta Toma] is my personal host


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