Why We're Doomed.

Nov 04, 2008 20:38

Across the country, people who claim the economy as their key issue are voting for Obama at about a 55-45 clip.

Obama, whose primary faults -- indeed, the only faults which are truly critical here as opposed to merely mudslinging bullshit, save perhaps his antagonism toward the Second Amendment and the fact that he's the candidate for one of the two main parties -- are his involvement in the relaxation of lending standards and his drafting of the very idiots who ran the financial industry into the ground as his key financial advisers.

Get that? The ONE area in which one can truly point at Obama and say "this is potential disaster" is an area where Americans are deciding they SHOULD vote for him.

It doesn't, and didn't, matter which one of these guys wins tonight. Indeed, the true battle was for a filibuster-free Senate, and the Democrats lost that fight. The real point is simply this: as a society, we're too goddamn STUPID to vote if we can't identify a candidate's critical fault and vote against him if that issue is critical to US.

In other news, you should all be irate. It's become obvious that the media is supporting the idea that there are only two choices for any race, which of course only feeds the beast and ensures that we're stuck choosing between "the guy the wacko socialists want" and "the guy the wacko Baptists want" in perpetuity. Go to cnn.com and try and find results for anyone who's not a Democrat or Republican. Go ahead. I'll still be around next week when you give up the search. Meanwhile, the 70% of us who just want someone with a sense of fucking moderation and common sense can just continue to be screwed.

ETA: In other OTHER news, although there's still only 3% reporting, Al Franken is kicking the shit out of Norm Coleman. That amuses me.
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