So, here we are, day two of Babygate. I've been soaking in commentary from various places, and it's divided between "who cares?" and "Family values are a conservative platform, so this is just a travesty."
I wanna make sure we're clear on this: there are a huge number of people who we are trusting to flip a switch or poke a chad or touch a screen who think that a 17-year-old getting pregnant is relevant to a Presidential campaign.
Did I miss something? Is Bristol Palin running for office? No, so that can't be the problem.
Are these people claiming that because her daughter got pregnant, Sarah Palin must be a horrible mother and therefore certainly not fit to be elected Vice-President? I'm pretty sure anyone who says that with a straight face has never had a 17-year-old daughter. I've got one, and let me put that shit to rest right now -- if your 17-year-old daughter wants to get laid, she's going to, no matter how much you teach her or how much discipline you impose. Unless, of course, you do things which would get her yanked out of your home by Child Protective Services, like lock her in her room until she's 18. So that's a bullshit argument as well.
Is the problem that we're supposed to assume Bristol Palin's values mirror her mother's, thus making her mother a hypocrite since her daughter, who (as I noted yesterday) has the legal right to decide whether or not to have sex, decided to do so? Seriously, I laughed while typing that sentence. There's not one person reading this whose values precisely mirror their parents', and I'd be surprised if I needed to take my shoes off to tally up the number of people reading this who weren't having sex at 16.
Well, you know, except the people couldn't get any.
(Yeah, I know that a few of you showed restraint. Don't take it personally.)
No... the problem is that there is no problem, and this entire charade is yet another example of Bullshit Politics 101, fed by dimwitted bloggers, "journalists" who should hand in their degrees, and a public that is insensate enough to allow Big Brother to have lasted a decade on American network television. But I will say this: Barack Obama should be commended for standing up and saying this crap has no place in this campaign, because he's right.