Nov 07, 2006 05:13
So on Sunday I felt like Tom Hanks character in "The Terminal." I was coming back from Lubbock and I got to the airport at 7AM and basically to make a long story short I didnt get home till 12 midnight. It was a total of 17 hours in an airport. It double sucked because I had two tests the next day in back to back classes... And one test could only be studied through an online software program, so that was impossible in the airport, and in turn, the paper that the test was on literally took a huge dump on my chest. Like... i now have this big drown dump spot on my breast bone and the smell of turd will not go away. Anywho, time to recover, I am tired and I plan on sleeping.... say.... 12 hours? Yes, that will suffice (ooo Scotty word!). Hope all had a great weekend, happy birthday Sarah, you are old, and I bet you are getting all wrinkly and pruney, and pass gas when you sneeze, and pee yourself a little when you cough, because old people do that. Nighters!
Oh forgot one thing... my bro got in a wreck and snapped his axel off and his wheel broke. Some guy didnt yield to him when he was exiting SPID, cut him off, slammed on his brakes and then when my bro swerved to miss him he spun out of control and hit the curb. He is ok and all but I just hate SPID and those stupid yields, and the people who dont obey them. And on top of that the guy who caused it didnt stop to help my bro out..
my brother: "yea that guy was a D-bag"
I like that quote, I think it even sounds better then calling some a douche bag...
Hey Clark, youre a D-bag.... yea... me likey