(no subject)

Jun 09, 2006 01:21

So i finally break my jet lag and am on a good sleep schedule and then this happens..... the NBA finals! of course it has my favorite team since i was 12 in it: the mavs. Here is the problem, i am use to staying up till 11PM and sleepind till 830AM and then hit up class at 9. However, the finals are being played at 2AM U.K. time and will end at 5 in the morning. Which sucks cause that only gives me 3 hours to sleep really and we have some project tomorrow where we hit the streets of oxford for about 5 hours and all figure out through market research and target marketing and segmentaion why the advantages and disadvantages of a local coffee shop compaired to starbucks. No sleep, big project is no bueno. but hey this is the mavs we are talking about.
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