Why I Hate the Internet...

Jun 25, 2008 21:47

You know, I used to love the internet.

I loved that I had my very own e-mail, where my dad would send me my own special letters when I couldn't see him during the week. I felt independent and so grown up because it was all mine. I had penpals who sent me letters describing life across the pond, and everything they said was worth saying.

I loved the fact that I had my own place on the web; Myspace was like a virtual bedroom that I could decorate anyway I wanted. My friends could leave stupid comments about how awesome my taste in music was, or ask about the next time we'd be hanging out and sharing a movie night.

I loved that I never had to worry about what I said on my livejournal offending someone or causing problems for myself or others.

But now... That's all gone to shit.

My e-mail is now being bombarded with shit from colleges I don't want to hear from, newletters from websites I don't even go to, and penis enlargements I never asked for.

My Myspace is filled with over-dramatic, whiny messages from exes and best friends who'd rather complain about their relationships instead of just ending them.

And my livejournal... GAH! I can't even say half the things I want to say for fear that people will start talking about things that really aren't a big deal.

Don't even get me started on the useless crap that my favorite forums have been reduced to.

So, I've decided.... fuck. it. all.

I'm gonna delete all my accounts, change my e-mail, and say goodbye to the interweb.
Well, maybe not totally. *huggles her fanfics and those that write them*


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