The Movie Meme:
1. Pick 15 of your favorite movies.
2. Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie.
3. Post them here for everyone to guess.
4. Fill in the film title once it's guessed.
5. NO GOOGLING/using IMDb search functions.
A: But I thought you liked them. They liked you.
A: "O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths, and carp and anchovies, and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit-bats and large chu...
A: We can get together... once in a while, way the hell out in the middle of nowhere, but...
B: Once in a while? Every four fuckin' years?
A: If you can't fix it... you gotta stand it.
B: For how long?
A: For as long as we can ride it. There ain't no reins on this one.
A: The job I have for you is top secret. It requires skill, craft, cunning, mis...
B: And we thought you didn't *like* us, Jack.
A: Evil is a point of view. God kills indiscriminately and so shall we. For no creatures under God are as we are, none so like him as ourselves.
A: My own brother, a goddamn, shit-sucking vampire. You wait 'till mom finds out, buddy!
A: Lot 666 then, ladies and gentlemen: a chandelier, in pieces. Some of you may recall the strange affair... a mystery never fully explained. Our workshops have repaired it and wired parts for the new electric lights. Perhaps we can frighten the ghosts of so many years ago...
A: Are you my butterfly?
B: You already know the answer...
A: But I want to hear you say it.
A: Suddenly I heard a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. You heard me rapping, right?
A: I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death.
A: I'm here cuz the SAT is racist.
B: Well, that didn't take long, did it?
A: What, you don't think so? Who made the test? Rich, white guys. Who scored the highest on the test?
C: [interrupts A] Asian chicks. Middle-class asian girls who watch less than an hour of television a day. They can't drive, but they can kick the shit out of the SAT.
A: But it doesn't matter right now, 'cause they're both just so relieved to be with one another. I like that. I wish they could all feel that way more often.
B: This is why I had to come down here this morning? This is why I had to miss my fucking cartoons? You call me and tell me it's important so I can share in your half-ass obsession with a Hallmark moment?
A: So, I hear you like to make keys as a hobby?
B: Yes.
A: And do you enjoy making keys?
B: Obviously.
A: So, do you come to Milwaukee often?
B: Well, I'm a regular visitor here, but Milwaukee has certainly had its share of visitors. The French missionaries and explorers began visiting here in the late 16th century.
C: Hey, isn't "Milwaukee" an Indian name?
B: Yes, Pete, it is. In fact , it's pronounced "mill-e-wah-que" which is Algonquin for "the good land."
A: I was not aware of that.
A: No! Not good! Stop! Not good! What are you doing? You burned all the food, the shade... the rum!
B: Yes, the rum is gone.
A: But WHY is the rum gone?