Note to Self: Does Not Work Well With Others

Apr 18, 2007 15:53

The week's not even halfway over yet, and already I wish it would end.

Lately, I've been thinking about taking a super-soaker filled with pistacio pudding to school and just going apeshit. But then, I realized, that it was too much effort to make that much pudding. And that for all I know, it could turn out too solid, you know, like creme brulee or flan or something, and then I'd really be screwed.

So anyways, here how it started.

Because we have this fabulous administration, who has all these bright ideas of making our school look rich, yet forgetting to save enough money to buy textbooks, our 11th period English Lit. class doesn't have enough copies of The Killer Angels.


But wait, it gets better. So, while all the other classes are speeding through the book, doing whatever, we're stuck doing the same projects they are- without reading the damn book.

And now, she (The Student Teacher) wants US to teach sections of chapter three, when the majority of us haven't even read the second half of chapter 1 yet.

Oh, and add in the fact that high school kids can't teach for shit, and you've got quite a lovely little mess on your hands.

And did I mention that while this so happens to be a GROUP project, I've been stuck with two of the most annoying people you will ever meet in your entire fucking life.
I honestly could care less if they fell off a cliff and fucking died.

Ergo, I have had to do the entire project myself, simply because I don't trust my group members. I can't help it; when it comes to grades, even if I'm with a few of my friends, I'm neurotic and have a tendency to do it all myself.

And while the stoners of the group have no problem with this, the two over achievers are pissed at me because I didn't let them do anything.

I'm telling you, I just can't fucking win.

Out like Joe Franek after smoking a few fatties,


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