Laptops, Kilts, and the War of the Roses

Mar 17, 2007 08:43

Alright. So here's how it went down.

It's Thursday night, and I have a 50-point, 7-page project due for Kopnisky's health class the next day. Now, while I wholheartedly admit to be a total procrastinator, I did get about a third of the project done wednesday night, so I figured it wouldn't really be a big deal.

Turns out- the DLL file on my laptop, where I had saved my project, was corrupted.
In other words- I couldn't access my project. And I didn't have a back-up.

I spent 5 HOURS retyping my entire project in order to turn it in the next day.

Not only did I miss our troop's St. Paddy's Day Party, but I also missed opening night of my dear little Anna's spring musical, Brigadoon.

Turns out- I had somehow gotten a virus. - Maybe it was from all the doujinshi I downloaded- I don't know. But hopefully my dad will be able to fix it- without seeing the HieixKurama Doujins.

So last night,I was supposed to head out to Cleveland to visit my dad- turns out, the inch of snow we go earlier that day was enought to ice the roads. Ergo, mother said 'no'. So, of course, I called up dear old Peta and told her there was a change of plans- instead of coming home early and going to see Anna then, we went last night.

And because we are the most awesome friends in the world, I picked up red roses for little Manson Jr. from the two of us. Yes, roses; beause the shitty little carnations that they sell at the school for a buck aren't good enough for our little Anna. Oh, and peach roses for Uly and Meggers- because as we all know, stage crew never gets any flowers.

The musical itself wasn't the greatest, but it was fun making fun of Caleb in a skirt and Cam's plaid trousers. But man... Someone needs to tell poor Vinnie that he should never again combine facial hair and eyeliner- it was just plain scary.

Oh, and apparently Dustin missed his entire solo because Caleb bumped into him and his kilt began falling down. And then Josh and the other leading man couldn't hit the high notes, oh and then there was the microphone failure... And as I later found out, Morris went bonkers over the whole ordeal...

So in the last words of dear Anna- "It was a bad night".

Hate to say I told you so.
And that was the night they were taping it, too.

But really, we did have fun, because during intermission, we ran into Steph, Tom, and McGee. And I never laughed so hard in my life. Tom and Peta were debating over the benefits of soy and coupons, or as Tom calls them, "coup/coupins". And McGee was mulling over the idea of starting a cum factory, because apparently sperm banks are a money source that has yet to have been tapped into by women.

Oh, and Judy Li's artwork kicks ass. There's no other way to say it.
I shall forever bow down to her wicked painting skills.

Out like Cornwallis- because apparently I din't get the part I wanted.


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