yes, i'm still going through my LJ. and yes, i'm redoing quizzes and surveys. and yes i'm a loser.

Jan 11, 2011 04:15

5 years ago (16, 11th grade):
1. I got my learners permit
2. I had Kathleen, my red Toyota Celica
3. I came out to my parents...well, my neighbors came out for me.
4. I moved to Boone.
5. I liked Kevin Monroe, but he was a slut. I started dating Tommy Edwards.

3 years ago (18, 12th/done with school):
1. I dropped out of high school on my 18th birthday.
2. After over 2 years, me and Tommy broke up.
3. I started dating Ryan Buffaloe.
4. I got my GED.
5. I moved to Virgina and lived with Ryan's grandma.

1 year ago (20-21 years old):
1. I saw Ryan in person for the last time, right before he moved back to VA.
2. I lived on Heavenly Mountain with Josh McConkey.
3. I had my Straight Boy, Kyle Silver. So sexy. So dumb.
4. I only hung out with Colin, Korin, Elizabeth, Jeff, Simon, and Jordan.
5. I tripped on acid at least twice and discovered of Montreal.

yesterday (from midnight to midnight; Saturday):
1. I watched a bunch of Daria.
2. I talked to my mom on the phone.
3. I saw TJ Allen (yay) and Wrenn (gag).
4. I had the flu.
5. I reminisced hardcore.

5 snacks i like:
1. Marble Slab
3. Honey buns
4. Willy Wonka candy bars
5. Otis Spunkmeyer muffins :D

5 songs I know all the words to:
1. Every Otep song ever
2. all of of Montreal's "Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer"
3. "Monster" by Kanye West, Rick Ross, Jay-Z, Bon Iver, and Nicki Minaj(!)
4. all Lady GaGa
5. The Faint - "Agenda Suicide"

If I had a million dollars:
1. I would buy you a house ... a fucking huge house
2. I would buy an Aston Martin.
3. I would buy most of the cds I wanted
4. I would buy a Toyota Celica
5. I would buy bitchin electronics

5 things i would never wear:
1. A totally hot pink shirt
2. crocs
3. Alexander McQueen heels
4. A thong
5. a HIM shirt

5 favorite tv shows: (no order)
1. Desperate Housewives
2. Weeds
3. Daria
4. South Park
5. Glee

5 bad habits: (again, no order)
1. biting my nails/cuticles (if that's how you spell that word)
2. Bitching
3. being reaaaaaaallllllllly downer
4. not bathing regularly
5. thinking about ryan

5 biggest joys: (yet again… no order)
1. LSD or mescaline
2. going to concerts
3. talking to my mom
4. remembering good times
5. ruining people's days at Burger King

5 fictional people i want to date:
1. Trent Lane from Daria
2. Dr. Chase from House
3. Jason Stackhouse from True Blood.
4. Silas Botwin from Weeds
5. Nate Archibald from Gossip Girl
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