Jun 12, 2010 04:09
All I try to do is be a good person. And all life hands me is bullshit.
"eviction process begins 6/10/10"
Soon, I will have no home. Soon, I will be forced to probably go back to McDowell. I have no friends there anymore. I will be forced to live with my grandmother. I will be put down everyday for not wanting to go to school, for not being religious, for not being straight.
I will hear several times how I am going to end up in hell. I will be alone. Completely.
No friends. No chance of finding a boyfriend. No car. Just my family. And their constant judging.
I will be that creepy old gay guy that's alone, with dusty shelves lined with knick-knacks, chronically masturbating. Until one day...I decide to hang myself.
More than ever, I just want to stop existing. Completely.
I am probably going to try to kill myself soon. But, like both other times, I will most likely fail because I'm twisted enough to want to keep living.
I don't know. Maybe someone nice will crawl out of the woodwork and help me out...but I doubt it.