My thoughts on Digimons future

Aug 28, 2010 06:06

Ok, the situation with Digimon pretty much SUCKS right now! What can the fans do, or what SHOULD be done about it?

I've tried to explore this topic with history, but history offers us so little real sollutions.

Is Digimon too Japanese?

These links should help us explore a bit what is the "trouble" with Japan and the Japanese away of thinking. These people tend to have some "self restrictions"

I guess it all comes down to this;Japanese dont want to do PC games, because thats an "American thing" Around 25-years ago the Japanese company Nintendo started doing concole games, while Commodore 64 truly began the PC era in America, and it has been that way ever since!

As we have seen in many other forms of business and idustry, the Japanese pride will always be there downfall.

The Japanese in general have this idea that "were the best" so theres no use to try to "learn anything" from anybody else. This is also what is known as there "island mentality" In a way i understand the backound of this, as i am an amature historian, and them being basicly stuck between America and China and having trouble to relate to either world. But it's still pretty stupid.

I guess Bandai has simply kept on releasing both Gundam and Digimon seasons even tough they have actually run out of ideas on how to develope the brands furder.

Is the "American way" then the right way for Digimon? Quite frankly theres no other choice!

A cellphone game a is possebelity, but the only thing that would ever do Digimon justice would be a PC-Cellphone hybrid game, with the anime aired online! That is basicly it!

In otherwords combining the ideas of the best Digimon movies, 2 and 4

Comparing Bandai to Blizzard, Blizzard used no advertising gimmick at all to make World of Wracraft, the most suchcessfull online game on the planet! They did this by simply providing a source code that WORKED! You cant really say the time thing for Bandai now can you?

Perhaps i was wrong about Digimon Adventure 02. Perhaps it wasn't simply a show Bandai made for the "heck of it" between there two hits seasons, Adventure and Tamers. Perhaps Digimon Adventure 02 was the future of the entire brand, and it was only a manner of time before we were going to get there with the rest of the seasons as well.

Perhaps you should have stopped at the original Adventure Bandai and leave us the beatiful memmories, while you were still winning? Pride may forbid you from ever selling the brand away to an American company, but without even bothering to analyze Digimon Xross overs, i can tell that you have already lost. Kind of funny that all those "sexy animes" didnt end up helping you in the end.

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