The Digimon and Boondocks

Oct 24, 2010 09:00

I already prevoisly discucced the possebelity of a black digidestened earlier very shortly, and in short the possebelity has always been there and never really went away.

The Boondocks and Digimon are totally different series, yet they have surden similarities.

I like the comparisons between Taichi and Huey! They are both adventures kind of charecters, that look for the turth, and are not afraid of getting there hands dirty. There not meant to be paticularly kawajii or cute, but at the some time not ugly or disabeled either.

And then there are Daisuke and Riley!

Daisuke and Riley are both cool and "pretty boys" whos whole purpose is to talk trash and look "cute" The similarities between the two boys is simply stunning! There both increribly stupid, and for the most part are only interested in how "cool" they look. Theres no real adventure spirit here. I guess i would have loved to see Daisuke in a dress, but since this is a kids show the best i got was him half naked on the beach.

These series should definetly pull a crossover. It be great to see Taichi and Huey adverturing as a team! Taichi(of 02)is a bit older then Huey, but i can live with that. Daisuke and Riley are about the same age. Huey surdenly can speak Japanese, but with Riley and Daisuke communication really woulnd't be a problem, since even if they did unserstand each other, there woulnd't be too many things to talk about.

Anyway, love this idea for a series cross over!
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