Mar 06, 2016 15:33
It really is that difficult to keep this thing regularly updated. The conditions this time that allow this to take place begin at Kahenna beach in lower Puna, one week ago. It involves catching a nice (7.5- 8ft) wave, right in the sweet spot and riding it to shore, and then scraping my shin on a rock. Not a sharp rock, not a remotely exciting rock, just one hard enough to break my skin over the area of about a quarter. Over the next 4 days the wound erupted into a life threatening infection, and here I am now at Hilo hospital (I've been here since Thursday) recovering. The hole in my leg at the time of the first dressing change after surgery was large enough to host a fist sized lump of strip gauze,
Some relevant details - I don't really write a new song every day - though I would if all the time/space/capital requirements were met. I'm single, though it seems there are a few interests in orbit - the priority is low because financially I'm really struggling. I managed to make it through 2015 making around $1000 for the whole year. My gear is starting to show signs of wear, and I'm really looking forward to any kind of hand up.
I've taken on building geodesic domes as another handicraft I can offer to the community at large. As far as reaching out to my cubs, . I have sent out a few postcards to my kids and I did get a letter to Jack for his birthday, though it's hard to stay current, as my living situation is rarely stable. I do have a place to stay in Pahoa for at least a short while when I am released, which is great news. I still manage to make it to dance, read up on what I can do to keep falling forward (which is also difficult to do - as I no longer own shoes). The goal this week is to put a dome up in Kalapana, assuming I get released from the Hospital in good repair, get paid - pay the last person who hosted me for a month something for their trouble and try to connect with someone I met who lives in Volcano about a possible paid garden gig. Island wild life has taught me a lot about nature, spirit, the struggle of life and death, gratitude, and certainly karma.
I feel I've grown a bit in the past year emotionally, physically and spiritually, having had no choice but to learn directly from the earth itself many times to meet my basic needs. Thankfully, I haven't missed eating more than a day at a time, though food scarcity has been a regular feature of my life over the past year. It does bring me to a place of recollection when I took such things for granted.
So far as I have learned, this is all as real as it is imagined, it's as beautiful as it is tragic, as ordinary as it is divine, offers as many opportunities as obstacles, and getting a pre-nup is probably the best thing that a man can have arranged before settling into a domestic partnership of any capacity.
I've written quite a few songs in 2015 that explain the year to some degree, with a few more cooking up in the noggin - hopefully I can get my arse some studio time, get these recorded and cut so I can leave them behind and make some new stuff.
Again, I miss Pen and Jack enormously, and I still think it's a really shitty thing what she done. Lord-a-mercy. I'm sure things will work out though. Sending Aloha, love and light. - Benjamin