The Hand of Destiny (Part Ten)

Apr 03, 2011 20:37

Rating: Will be NC-17 for series.

Word Count: 2100

Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto; unrequited Alice/Ianto; past Owen/ Ianto; past unrequited Jack/ John Smith; Tosh/ Tommy; Rhiannon/Johnny;  Stephen. Others will be added as they appear.

Spoilers: None. This is AU although there will be brief references to canon events.

Warnings: AU. There is no Torchwood, there are no aliens, Jack is not immortal.

Summary: Totally AU. When Jack meets Ianto it may cost him everything he loves.

A/N: Because yesterday's update was so short, here's another one :-)

Part One| Part Two| Part Three| Part Four| Part Five | Part Six| Part Seven| Part Eight| Part Nine

Jack woke up early. He’d become so used to the early starts over the years that even on his days off he found that he couldn’t sleep late. He rolled over in bed and reached out for Ianto, frowning when he found that his lover wasn’t in bed beside him.

Jack’s momentary panic subsided however when he heard the sounds of movement coming from the living room. He smiled and climbed out of bed making his way to the bedroom door.

Ianto was pacing as he spoke quietly on his mobile. ‘Yeah, I think it’s just a stomach bug,’ he said and Jack grinned as he realised that Ianto was on the phone to his boss. ‘Yeah - I will. I’ll let you know. Thanks Yvonne.’

Ianto ended the call and then turned to face Jack. ‘There, I did it. I actually lied to my boss to get the day off work. Are you happy now?’

‘Yep,’ Jack replied as he moved towards Ianto, wrapping his arms around him and kissing him softly. ‘Morning gorgeous,’ he said as they parted.

‘Mmm, morning,’ Ianto smiled, leaning into the embrace. ‘Are you coming back to bed?’

‘I was going to make you breakfast,’ Jack said.

‘Breakfast can wait,’ Ianto whispered, seductively nibbling Jack’s ear lobe before moving back towards the bedroom leaving Jack no choice but to follow.

Forty five minutes later, Jack was just on the edge of sleep, sated and relaxed; comfortably spooned in Ianto’s arms when he was jolted back to his senses by the sound of the front door opening and then closing shut.

‘Dad?!’ Alice’s voice called out and Jack felt Ianto tense suddenly.

‘Shit,’ Jack muttered under his breath.

‘What do we do Jack?’ Ianto whispered.

‘You stay here,’ Jack replied, already climbing out of bed. ‘I’ll go and see what she wants. I’ll try and get rid of her.’

‘Dad?!’ Alice called again. ‘Are you in?’

‘Just a minute,’ Jack shouted to his daughter through the closed bedroom door. He quickly pulled on a pair of jeans and a t shirt before looking apologetically at Ianto who was now sitting up in bed, and leaving the bedroom.

‘Hey,’ Jack greeted his daughter with a smile. ‘I wasn’t expecting to see you today.’

‘I’m not disturbing you, am I?’ Alice asked in a tone that made Jack pause and look at her properly. He saw that Alice’s eyes were red rimmed and she looked as though she’d been crying.

‘Of course you aren’t disturbing me,’ Jack said honestly, concerned. ‘You’re always welcome here you know that. What’s wrong? Has something happened?’

Alice sat down on the leather settee and wrapped her arms around her. ‘I spoke to Joe last night.’

Jack swallowed down a flash of anger. He might have known that Joe would be responsible for upsetting Alice. Jack had never particularly cared for his ex-son in law, but since the divorce he had treated both Alice and Stephen appallingly. Jack had never vocalised his thoughts to his daughter but privately he thought that it was lucky that Joe had left the country because if Jack ever saw him again he didn’t think that he would be able to stop himself from doing something he would regret.

‘What happened?’ he asked, concentrating on keeping his voice calm.

Alice suddenly let out a sob and in an instant Jack was at her side, pulling her into his arms as she sobbed on his shoulder.

‘Ssshh,’ Jack whispered soothingly, the same way that he had when she’d been a little girl. ‘It’s ok Princess, what's happened? Talk to me.'

‘He’s...’ Alice sobbed, trying to calm down and speak clearly. ‘Oh Dad... he said he’s getting married again...’

Jack closed his eyes. ‘Ssshh...’ he continued to sooth her.

‘... he’s getting married and he’s... he’s making himself a new family... he doesn’t... he said he doesn’t want anything to do with us anymore... he doesn’t want anything to do with Stephen...’

‘Bastard,’ Jack murmured under his breath.

‘I don't know what to do Dad,’ Alice said as she wiped her eyes on her sleeve.

Jack hated seeing his daughter in such pain and not being able to do anything to make it better. He hated feeling so helpless.

‘It’s going to be alright,’ he reassured her. ‘You’re strong Alice. You’re so like your mother you know. You’ll get through this.’

Alice put her head in her hands and sighed.

Jack glanced towards his bedroom door and then looked back at his daughter. It was clear that Alice needed him right now. He couldn’t just ask her to go. He swallowed guiltily as he came to a decision.

‘Do you want a cup of tea?’ Jack asked softly.

‘Please Dad,’ Alice nodded.

‘Ok,’ Jack stood up and moved towards the kitchen and opening the cupboard. ‘Oh no,’ he said in what he hoped was a convincing tone of voice. ‘I’m out of tea.’

Alice looked over towards the kitchen and stood up slowly. ‘Do you want me to run down and get some?’

‘Do you mind?’ Jack asked her, reaching for his wallet and pulling out a twenty. ‘Maybe get us some cakes as well, comfort food?’

Alice smiled and nodded as she took the money from Jack. ‘I won’t be long,’ she told him as she walked out of the door.

As soon as the door closed, Jack raced to the bedroom, stopping in his tracks when he saw Ianto sitting on the edge of the bed, fully dressed.

‘Do you want me to go?’ Ianto asked despite already knowing the answer.

‘I’m sorry,’ Jack replied. ‘She’s really upset. Her ex is being a proper bastard.’

‘I gathered,’ Ianto said with a small smile. ‘She needs her Dad. It’s ok I understand.’

‘I’m sorry Yan,’ Jack repeated sadly. 'I'll still come round to yours tonight though if you want me to.'

‘Of course,' Ianto replied moving closer to his lover and pulling him into a loving embrace. ‘Don't worry about it Jack. Just call me later ok?’

‘Ok,’ Jack said before kissing him softly on the lips.


As Ianto left Jack’s building he briefly contemplated going in to work after all. The Senedd building was only a few minutes walk from Jack’s apartment and he could just tell Yvonne that he’d made a miraculous recovery. He doubted his boss would question it as long as he was there doing his job; but then he remembered the pile of uncompleted paperwork that was sitting on his desk waiting for him and he sighed. He couldn’t face it, not today when he’d been so looking forward to spending time with Jack. He’d already called in sick anyway and so Ianto decided just to go home and crash in front of the television, maybe watch a couple of Bond films.

He made his way towards the bus stop and was just about to cross over the zebra crossing when he heard a shout.


Ianto turned and found himself face to face with Alice. ‘Alice, hi,’ he greeted her momentarily stunned but quickly regaining his composure.

‘What are you doing here?’ she asked him with a smile, although Ianto couldn’t help but notice the red rimmed eyes.

‘Oh,’ he stammered. ‘I was - er - just doing some shopping. What about you?’

‘Visiting Dad,’ Alice said, gesturing towards Jack’s apartment building.

‘Oh - of course yeah,’ Ianto replied playing innocent. ‘I forgot that he lived round here.’

‘How are you anyway?’

‘Good,’ Ianto replied honestly. ‘Good can’t complain. How are you Alice? You - you look a bit upset?’

‘Oh I’m ok,’ she replied before shaking her head and letting out a sigh. ‘Actually, no. No I’m not alright. I - I had the most horrible conversation with my ex husband last night and - Oh God. I’m sorry Ianto you don’t want to be listening to this.’

Ianto felt his heart swell suddenly with the urge to protect the daughter of his lover. He swallowed hard. It was a strange sensation.

‘I don’t mind Alice,’ he said softly. ‘I mean I know we don’t know each other that well but I’d really like it if we could be friends.’

Alice smiled a genuine smile at that. ‘Yeah,’ she nodded. ‘I’d really like that Ianto. It’s hard sometimes you know? I mean, I don’t have many friends and I know Dad’s always there for me but he never really liked Joe and lets face it, there are some things that you just don’t want to talk to your Dad about aren’t there?’

Ianto grinned. ‘Yeah, I know what you mean. But listen, Alice if you ever need someone to talk to you can always talk to me.’

‘Thank you Ianto,’ Alice replied. ‘I might just take you up on that.’

They soon parted and Ianto continued on his way to the bus stop he couldn’t help but feeling rather pleased with himself. He really hoped that he and Alice could become friends. If things were going to get serious between him and Jack then Ianto knew that he would need her support and if Jack could see that he and Alice got on well then it might make it easier for his lover to come out to her.

He smiled. Things seemed to be looking up.


Alice opened the door of her Dad’s apartment and found him sitting on the settee. He jumped up as soon as she entered and moved to take the bag from her. ‘Did you get the tea?’ he asked.

‘Yep,’ she replied, ‘and a massive chocolate cake. Don’t even ask me how many calories are in it I really don’t want to know.’

Jack grinned and went to boil the kettle while Alice sat down in the armchair.

A few moments later when father and daughter were both tucking in to a slice of chocolate cake, Alice began to speak.

‘I don’t know why I still let him get to me like this,’ she sighed. ‘I should know better by now.’

'You can’t help the way you feel, Princess,’ Jack replied, watching her closely.

'And I just hate what he's doing to Stephen. What are we going to do if he stops giving us money all together? It's hard enough as it is. If I can't pay the rent...'

'Hey,' Jack interupted. 'It won't come to that. I won't let it.'

'Dad, I can't keep taking money from you,' Alice replied.

'We'll speak to a lawyer,' Jack continued. 'Stephen is Joe's son too and he needs to face up to his responsibilities.'

'He broke my heart,' Alice said quietly looking down at her hands.

Jack nodded. 'I know.'

'I don't know how much longer I can go on sometimes Dad. It's so hard being strong all the time.'

Jack regarded his daughter for a moment thoughtfully before speaking. 'Do you remember when you were six and you had measles?'

'Yeah,' Alice nodded.

Jack smiled slightly. 'You were so poorly. I was so worried about you that I didn't sleep for almost a week and I had exams at work to get my pilot's license and I was so exhausted. I didn't know whether I was coming or going. I remember one day your Gran came around to see how we were and I pretty much broke down and told her that I couldn't cope with it anymore.'

'Did you?' Alice asked. It was strange to hear her Dad talking like this. He always seemed so strong; so in control.

'Yeah,' Jack replied. 'And do you know what she said?'


'She told me to go to sleep and that everything would seem better in the morning. So I did and she stayed up with you all night and do you know what? She was right. Everything did seem better.'

Alice nodded slowly.

'Bad times always pass,' Jack told her honestly. 'You'll stay strong because Stephen needs you to and if it gets too much there are people who can help.'

'Thanks Dad,' Alice smiled.

When she left her Dad's apartment a couple of hours later Alice was feeling much more positive about things. Her Dad had promised to help her find a lawyer to sort out maintainance arrangements with Joe. So that was a start. She also smiled at the thought of her conversation with Ianto. He'd seemed genuinely concerned about her and then he'd told her that she could call him. Alice felt warm inside as she thought about Ianto. She hadn't felt that way in a long time. Maybe her Dad was right and things were definitely starting to look up.

fic: the hand of destiny, pairing: jack/ ianto

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