driving home from work the other day during rush hour i found myself running parallel to a stylish new chevy sonic in a color that struck me as metallic lilac (metallilac) but which i learn later chevy has dubbed
techno pink, driven by a stylish young lass with a pixie cut. it wasn't until a short time later when the vagaries of such traffic had her passing me in the center lane while i sat in what ought to be the fast lane that i saw the rear window, the sole adornment of which was a stylish window sticker for they might be giants' latest album, join us, the
cover of which features a monster truck enhanced pink hearse. the same window sticker, in fact, that i received from the band when john (but not john) handed them out after the show in grand rapids that i went to. stylish.
in the same vein, get this. i inherited from c. a stuffed purple octopus with a toothy grin wearing a red wings jersey. she inherited it from a friend, whom, as a red wings fan, had brought it for good luck to her house here in detroit in 2009 when the penguins and wings battled again for the stanley cup. the frustrated fan had apparently abandoned the octopus when the wings lost. c. moved to the house we're now in in spring 2010 and, despite being a penguins fan, brought the octopus with her. neither c. nor i can remember anymore whether the octopus had been on display or if i had found it while making some space to move in some of my things, but regardless, it had been perched near our tv for quite some time after i moved in. during this year's playoffs i moved it to the dashboard of ophelia (my blue ford escape if you're unfamiliar) on the passenger side. a couple weeks ago while walking back to my office building after lunch i noticed, in a blue jeep suv parked on my side of the street almost in front my building, a purple octopus with a toothy grin wearing a red wings jersey sitting on the dashboard on the passenger side. stylish. great minds. so it goes. etc.