Mar 22, 2010 02:29
random thoughts I have in my head right now:
- i wanna have a flat tummy (abs are just extra) and a defined chest
- oh, and defined shoulders too, if it isn’t too much to ask
- ‘if she cheated for you, she will cheat with you’-so true.
- i wanna learn some bad-ass dance routine to add to my exercise repertoire. the more it makes you sweat, the better.
- it’s hard to learn from the videos i watch. too fast. lol!
- i wanna be able to do back-flips and headstands (or walk with my hands) in this lifetime.
- i wanna be able to ride a chopper in this lifetime.
- it would be waaay cooler if i could control it.
- and why not skydive while im up there. that would be the greatest, most liberating feeling, i bet. the thought of possibly dying from any glitches and still deciding to jump off the plane/chopper would be one of the hardest decisions i would probably make.
- we waste so much time talking and story-telling during rehearsals. and i don’t mean after. i mean during.
-i should vocalize more. them high notes are getting harder and harder to sustain. my throat's gettin rusty. lol!
- my evolution in terms of spending my money is bizarre. i used to really scrimp on spending for food before. i would eat McDonald’s whenever i could. i’d rather spend on other things. now i bet most of my money’s spent on food. i don’t even want to compute, the thought of what my spending would look like scares me.
- saw a video of someone pulling a maggot out of a lady’s scalp. ick!
- i really wanna learn Korean. Or Japanese. Or French. Or Chinese. and i mean i wanna be fluent. i just don’t know when ill find the time.
- i really wanna learn to finally play the piano, guitar or the violin. i believe im 'intimidated'.
- i really want to, but i don’t have the patience to grow out my hair. maybe if i live in a different (colder) country. or maybe if I worked in a different field.
- its funny how you see someone as the ugliest and most uninteresting person in her group one time and now, she’s the sexiest, most mysterious person to you.
- heard mass with my mom this evening. i miss hearing mass with my family.
-we shared a hungarian sausage sandwich after. mine had the works, her share was plain. she likes plain everything for food. dad takes out all the good stuff from cup noodles for her. one onion-leaf morsel at a time. that's love.
- i ordered the blueberry sundae earlier. i know my mom wouldn’t like it. i know she’d only want to have the sundae if it were chocolate.
- which leads me to: OMG, it’s my mom’s fault that i love chocolate to a fault! tsk tsk!
- fed the birds with dad this afternoon. it started as a task, but hey, it was time spent with him.
- i really like it when dad comes over to my room at night to catch up. and how he ignores the fact that im really tired and sleepy. unless i doze off on him or tell him im really really sleepy. lots of memories are created that way.
- we’re all older in the family. i wish we had more time to spend together.
- i wish we could travel again as a family. Its been 12 years since our last family vacation.
- my sister’s leaving for europe in a couple of weeks and im so jealous. i wanna go back.
- actually, I just really wanna leave the country so I could take a break from work. or at least finally go to bora.
- i don't like that our tour next year will be an asian tour. there, i said it. it's gonna be tiring and boring i bet. especially if it's gonna be happening on weekends. i prefer europe for many reasons, but i wouldn't mind if we do US again.
-that was me being a brat.
-but if korea and japan were part of the itinerary again, then shuuuuuure!:)
- but im promising myself that i'd go to the south of france to be there for the duhamel wedding. just thinking of how much it would cost me is already driving me crazy. think of all the shopping! lol!
- i don’t wanna have to think of money anymore.
- but no, I have to compute for millions and millions every day.
- im thisclose to getting a vespa. but where will i use it? crap!
- i wanna go on a roadtrip with friends. ive never really done that a lot. especially with my high school boys.
- i think was afraid to go out when i was in high school. i wanted to be the goody-two-shoes kind.
- ive always been afraid to deviate from the norm. i guess that's why i dress the way i dress, until recently.
- i have loads of movies in my itunes that i wanna watch but have no time to.
- i wanna watch the coffee prince series again. seriously.
- gong yoo's out of the military service program! go make another series with yoon eun hye!:)
- i better sleep now. it's 3:13am and i have to be at work in a few hours.
-once again, im sucked back into reality.