Jan 05, 2008 11:59

I finished the grant yesterday.  It was a halfday, and a dress-down day, because most of the corps was out job shadowing, so it was nice and quiet and very laid back.  So I thought, ok, the grant'll be done and I'll have a half day.  Oooh nice.

Well, then it was, "Ok, I'll just stay till one or two, no biggie. I love it here."

Then it was "Hoshit I need to get my car and the grant still isn't done and what if it isn't good enough and I have no idea what I'm doing HOMG KILL ME. *dies*"

Actually, it wasn't all that bad at the very end.  More towards four or so.  But Peter and Alicia are godsends.  Jonathan too of course, but Peter and Alicia were the ones really nitpicking it for me.  I feel more secure in my work when I know someone's really been scrutinizing it.

Alicia was singing I Feel Pretty but only the first...three lines of it.  Over and over.  And then it got stuck in my head.  So I told her on the way to her car (she gave me a ride to get Sammy) that I was bringing a pillow to graduation.

Alicia: "Oh?"
Joanna: "So when I'm no longer a corps member I can beat you with it."
Alicia: "What makes you think I won't have my own pillow?"

Everyone remind me that I owe Alicia a pillow-beating after graduation.

By the way, I would say Sammy is working beautifully, but I don't want to jinx it.  So, I might say that, but I won't.  If you know what I mean.

But yes, the grant is done.  I'm happy with the way it came out.  Very happy.  And watching Peter do the budget was awe-inspiring.  I can't even comprehend how he does it, and I know I'm going to be crying to Devin when I have to budget stuff for the tentative Nonprofit back in NY.

I realize I haven't talked about that yet, but I'm not saying anything until this grant goes through, whether we get the money or not.

Hogawd.  So now I just have an agonizing wait.  Yes.  Yes indeed.

I didn't realize it was Friday yesterday until around five-thirty.  Yes, pm.

I was going to take all the recycling to the center today but I remembered that it all still has labels and caps and stuff, and I do not feel like doing that all by my lonesome.  So I'll see if sometime next week Kristyn doesn't want to have a de-labeling party with me.

In the meantime I'm laying around because I'm too lazy to take a shower, texting and picture-messaging back and forth with Rei.  Rei got her phone.  <3  And we've been doing these awesome back-and-forths...and I feel like we're a normal couple.  I know that sounds really bad, but I know how I meant it, and it doesn't mean we weren't...oh...fuh, I know what I meant.  >.o;

I get to teach all my kids about art next week because we're doing hobbies for our last lesson plans.  Hee.  I'm so excited.

work, car, grant, city year, cy folks, distraction!

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