I Need To Visit This Place... NOW

Mar 17, 2008 01:09

This is the best name of a town I've ever heard... Ever...

Do you think this is a joke? WELL IT'S NOT! SAINT-LOUIS-DU-HA! HA!, QUEBEC! The exclamation points are in the name!

This kicks the doodie out of:
-High Level, Alberta
-The Pas, Manitoba
-Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
-Medicine Hat, Alberta
-Swastika, Ontario & New York
-Intercourse, Pennsylvania

and EVEN:
-Dildo, Newfoundland and Labrador
-Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, Alberta

Think about it... THIS TOWN HAS AN EXCLAMATION POINT IN IT! It is a life goal for me to visit it. Someday, I will visit Gaspe, Quebec:

and I will stop in St-Louis-du-Ha! Ha! on the way!!!

www.saintlouisduhaha.com (in French only)

Btw, if you think I'm insane, I COULDN'T CARE LESS!!! I should go to bed... w00t!
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