Nov 13, 2004 09:40
alright i'm at work from 9-11 today and i know i should be reading for my research paper but i really just feel like posting. it's been kind of a hectic week. alright so a few posts back i posted about a few of my friends from here, con and mon, but i'm tired of aliases and i really don't care if either of them find out i posted it. alright so con is the alias for lauren, and mon is samantha. samantha and i hit it off completely during the first few weeks here and we are really good friends now. i had thought that lauren and i and that lauren and sam were friends until lauren decided that she wanted to drop the sweet and innocent routine. truth is, she's a bitch. and the girl that samantha had gone to orientation with and decided to room with, leah, is apparently being a bitch to her too. and because of this, sam's decided that she can't put up with it anymore and moved into another dorm. for the last 3 weekends, sam's gone to virginia to visit an old friend of hers from germany just so she could get out of the room where they were constantly picking fights, using her stuff without her permission and just plain making her life miserable. if ever i wanted to legit punch a girl in the face, this would have been the opportune time to do it.
but instead i decided that i would help sam move her stuff. i live on h and 23 and sam is now on g and 21 so it's not a long haul to see her, it just sucks that she can't still live down the hall from us and we have to deal with the bitch from hell on a daily basis. but even though we're (me and my roommates cuz we all love samantha) are within a 5 minute walk from her and we've only known each other the last 3 months, it still sucks to be practically living with someone and then have them move out because they're not happy. and she started crying when it was all finished being moved. and she explained it, after moving all over the world with her military family she had finally built a comfort zone away from her family and loved being there. and because some prissy little rich bitch from connecticut couldn't deal living with another human being aside from her precious sorority sisters, one of my friends no longer gets to live where she wanted to. i hate petty people.
alright onto the rest of my rant. there is this guy at the library that likes pulling up porn on the library computers and printing out the stuff so he can "enjoy" it at home i'm assuming. i'm sorry, that's disgusting and disturbing. use your computer at home for it man, that's just foul. but he isn't the only person that does it. how do i know you might ask. i've walked past him accidentally when he's surfing. he likes guy on guy. and this morning i was doing rounds and fixing any minor problems with the computers connection with the internet, and i came upon one computer that was so bogged down with porn sites and pop ups that it froze the computer. so lucky me got to sift through it all to shut it down and get to the site that was causing the pop up fiasco. and these were all "huge tits" and "mature women" sites. i did NOT need to see some of those things, but i guess it's what i'm paid for. only i was more hoping that i would have to fix problems caused by people facing research difficulties, not horn-dog perverts that like to get their freak on in a public library. but i don't know if i'm allowed to say anything to them about it. after all i am only a lowly troubleshooter. i mean, at the waltham public library if i saw like a teenager or younger kid looking at porn on a public computer, i went up to them told them to either shut it down or get the hell out. the whole "this is a place of public research" schtick. and as far as i can tell, sick man is only here on saturday mornings when i'm the only one on staff. sick fuckers.