Dear Darby Crash,
Is there an Oki Dog in heaven?
I look forward to someday meeting you there, if such a place exists. We can sit over coffee spiked with Bailey's Irish Cream, mow down on Oki Dogs, and I can fill you in on what has happened to punk rock since your demise, nearly thirty years ago! You may not like what you hear, but who are we to get in the way of evolution?? I will be your pawn in this game, but I can only do so much, my love. I think it had something to do with not being able to come up with something anti-establishment, and this post-punk new-wave stuff kind of took over after you were gone. It's a really long story, but cool things started to happen again. Just you wait until you hear this band called Fugazi, I think you'll really dig what they are doing if you keep an open mind. I'll start working on your mix-tape tomorrow!
I read somewhere that old-school punkers are just as bad as hippies, talking about their salad days of the scene, and being angry about what punk rock has turned into. Something about hippies at least getting Woodstock, and all punks got was The Masque. But at the same time I don't like it when someone tells me punk rock is dead. Sure, what used to be punk rock can not be re-lived. Like that age old adage, "you can never go home again." But I still feel it inside, inside my heart and my soul. Do you think I'm weird? I hope you understand. I think you will. A very wise man, who wishes to remain anonymous, helped me out not long ago. He told me that punk rock was a very large tree, that started out just a trunk. Then a couple branches popped up, and I'm not sure if it has anything to do with cross-pollination or whatever, but eventually because this tree was so fucking awesome, more and more branches continued to grow on this tree, almost suffocating it. Sometimes the branches are so thick a newer one can't see one on the other side, and might not even know it existed. A little respect for these elder branches is all one really needs to have, in order to keep this tree alive.
I think you'll laugh when I show you this Youth Of Today footage, you also might get turned on!! Oh Dude just you wait! There is even a genre called SKATE-PUNK, I think you would have gone through that phase as well. I'll toss a couple Bones Brigade songs on that tape. I'll explain later....
I hope your soul is less tortured in the after-life. I really care about you Darby.
Love always,