Dec 16, 2010 10:38
I was a bit cranky this morning. In a foul mood. Angry when I left the house to run. And a part of me thought, Ill run it out. Ill show this anger. Ill run it into the ground.
Luckily though I was instantly hit by another thought: dont put too much pressure on the run.
Id almost say I am addicted to running but Im not so much addicted to the running as to the good feelings it gives me.
For me, the big charge really hits after a run - Im stoked and bubbly - I often suddenly break into dance or song or both. And I feel pretty darn good about myself because I have run, because I have kept the deal I made with myself. I love recording my run in the log.
I look forward to my morning run the way I used to look forward to that first morning coffee. When I go to bed at night, Im happy cause I know in the morning I can run again.
Some days I come to my run feeling like I need it. Those are the days Im really careful. Sure running helps me deal with shit, helps me clear my head, helps me figure stuff out.
But it cant fix everything. When Ive got some heavy stuff going on, there is often a temptation to go out and run like a maniac, with some 80's anthem rock, and just give'r, just work out all that crap.
For me though it doesnt work that way. Thats a good way for me to overwork myself, to hurt myself, to go too far and too hard. That's a good way to not enjoy the run. A good way to ruin it all.
This morning instead of going nuts out there, I just let go of all that crap before I started. It was easy cause I was aware I had something more important to do. I had some running to do.
Instead of being angry, it was more fun for me to focus on how sweet the fresh air tasted, how great the snow (or other times the sun or the rain) felt on my face, how strong my legs were, how softly my feet caught me.
I prefered to focus on my shoulders relaxing, my arms, my hands, my fingers. Rather than steaming and sulking, I held my head up and I stretched out my limbs and I ran.
I dont run from or because of or for my problems. I run despite them. I dont put pressure on my run. I dont ask it to work miracles. I just go and do it.