Jan 23, 2007 16:56
so yeah my room mate either needs to decide to leave or i'm throwning him out of the damn room. i layed hints last night that i was going to sleep but him playing guitar hero was a little disturbing till 1 in the morning. finally he turns it off but then turns on sports center. i struggled to fall asleep and then finally got up again at like two to tell him to turn it off. there are times where i just want to yell and scream "turn the fucking ESPN off you have to fucking life you fucking loser, watching the same damn sports highlights over and over again are just making me and you about brain dead you bastard!" i know that that is a little harsh but waking up at 6:30 was a bitch.
classes are okay, i got some weird classes but they are okay. folklore is weird i have 4 books for the class it's awful. i also have Yambor every tuesday and thursday this is going to be fun.
i think i may take a long nap for a little while.