
Jan 26, 2010 21:32

So I've become kind of addicted to the new (now over, make that 'latest') Battlestar Gallactica, I'm watching all the episodes in order and can't seem to stop, spending way too much time watching TV.

It's a nice SF show, but like many space military shows (which is essentially what it is), I've been picking up a sort of conservative slant to it that bothers me, makes me feel guilty for liking it.

But this episode I'm watching now is really pissing me off. After countless previous episodes where the decision makers risk the survival of humanity becuase "we must not just save ourselves, but we must be worth saving", because they're unwilling to sacrifice liberty for safety, etc---- suddenly we have the president, who in one minute says she's "spent her whole career defending the right of a woman to control her body", the next minute decides to make abortion a criminal offense cause they need more babies. Come on, yeah, the writers were trying to be 'balanced' (and the old doctor who has been secretly performing semi-legal abortions for months is awesome), but this is a completely unrealistic character portrayal, no way she'd cave like that if her character is supposed to be what it is.

The episode isn't over yet though, here's hoping she'll realize it was an unprincipled dangerous decision before the end, probably because it has some disastrous consequences, which is the trend in the show.

I miss Firefly. How could that show have only lasted like 10 episodes or something? I'm watching Gallactica out of desperation (and addiction), but rather then a conservative military space opera, I'd much rather be watching a space western about a pirate crew on the run from the law, including a sex worker, a butch woman married to a femme man, and assorted other miscreant heroes. But I've already watched all the Firefly episodes in order like four times, I can't watch em anymore.
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