(no subject)

Aug 26, 2005 02:34

I guess some things never change. The day I am released back into the public as no longer a threat to society, the day my sentence is up (and on the way to the City of Malibu), I once again became a man. I guess that makes me an old man. A veteran at the art. A traffick violator. Yep, on my way to Sarah's immediately after putting my fine in the mail box at the post office, I was stopped by a motorcycle officer for running a red light. Guess what...you learn som'n' new everyday, and that officer was my instructor today...did you know that "yellow does not mean speed up"? We are in Southern fucking California. If your front license plate is past the first cross walk line before the light turns red, you are good to go. As long as you are flooring it, and God knows I was (I was gonna tap-tap-go, but I needed to downshift, so I just goed.) Well, with my dirty rearview mirror, I didn't know it was a cop...just saw one bright light. Then I saw three bright lights, only one was red and one was blue. He seemed like a nice officer, until the rat-bastard son of a bitch gave me a $340 traffick ticket. And a point on my record if I am convicted. But this one I will contest in court. I hope he doesn't show up. So, once again, I'm here in solitary confinement (work, in my office) thinking about what a terrible citizen I am for running a red light right in front of an officer and not making up some elaborate excuse for myself because I could just think "this will look really bad on my ROTC application under Violations of the Law...Ticket, Aug. 24; Ticket, Aug. 25, but I didn't do it..." (I thought of a really good one if anyone wants to know to use in the future). Farewell, good citizens, and please, don't come near me. I'm a sick man, with a cold heart and a taste for tickets.

Jonathan Hines
Grand Vista State Penitentiary
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