As I mentioned in my last post, the State School where I run my snack bar
made national news last week. For those of you who haven't read the story, basically, a few staff at a home for mentally handicapped adults goaded some clients into fighting each other and one of them made some videos of the fights on his cell phone. The cell phone somehow was turned into the police (I've heard about ten different rumors how) and all hell broke loose. There have been five arrests, two people have warrants out for their arrests, and they may put out more warrants before all of this ends.
There's a lot of blame that could go around for this. Of course there are the people that did it, but some of the bigwigs who administrate the place really screwed up. Two years ago a client committed suicide at one of the dorms and they were told they needed to tighten up security. Well they didn't, and if they had this latest thing likely wouldn't have happened. And there's really no excuse; those people need to be held accountable.
But there are all kinds of good people in between catching flak they don't deserve. There are over 700 employees at that facility, and most of them are decent people who really care about the clients. One of the job coaches and a regular customer of mine was in a store the other day and forgot to take of his badge. Well, some bitch saw it and made a comment about it being a shame what "you all [she included him] were doing over there." You know, because every single person at the CC State School is an abusive bastard.
And then you've got people like
this stupid bitch who want to cash in on the scandal. I guarantee you that this woman's story is bullshit, she only dumped her son at the State School because she didn't want to take care of him, and now that this report hit she wants to see if she can get some money from the state. There was also a story on the local news (that I'm too lazy to look up) where a former employee claimed that she saw clients forced to fight all the time, and when she tried to report it she was shushed up by her supervisor. Well first of all, the dorm she claimed to work in has some of the most severely disabled clients on campus. These people can't even walk or feed themselves, let alone get up and fight each other. Also, there's an anonymous phone number for reporting abuse on the back of every employee badge. There was no need for her to even talk to a supervisor, so she either didn't see anything, or she needs to be arrested herself for seeing abuse and not reporting it properly. No wonder the vapid whore wanted to stay anonymous.
Don't get me wrong. Normally, I'd be the first to criticize the way things run around here. I mean, I don't work for DADS, so I can do it safely. But come on people, let's criticize the people who deserve it and leave the rest alone. There are a lot of great people who work there who deserve better.