Jul 24, 2007 11:09
so here has been what's up.
i got to my house.
after a few days, i decided to reorganize the cabint under the sink.
-in doing so, i discovered a fireextinguisher, which i placed on the counter
-later on, i got drunk, knocked over the fireextinguisher, whihc had no safety ring, this made the fireextinguisher GO OFF IN MY FACE.
-i promptly got druunk as balls
the following day
-i went to the grocery store.
-as i pulled into my driveway, i notice all this smoke COMING FROM UNDER MY CAR.
- but the aforementioned fire extinguisher was empty.
-and i didn't know where the hose was.
-imagine me, running back to the kitchen, dumping the iced tea pitcher on the engine bloack, and running another lap.
-now my car is slighlty charred, but i have no way of getting food, so i sponge off my neighbors and invite myself to dinner evey night,
-this causes me to drink heavily every night.
new experiences:
-going to my 73 year old neighbor's house for drinks, and hten she discovered she has no alcohol and gave me vicodin instead.
-telling a polish supermodel she was "dumber than my cock"
-passing out in the woods on the way home from a dinner party
-tkaing a taxi to get the new harry potter book
-faliing down a hill and getting a 4 inch cut on my elbow that needed stiches but i had no way of getting anywhere so i superglued it. ( i have a wicked looking scar now)
-seeing an irish setter tree a bear.
my best friend ere is a 48 year old stock broker
other than that my schedule is:
-wake up 11 AM
-drink coffe on hte porch looing down thte mountain ( i can see to connecticut)
-do some work on th ehouse
-walk to the deli to order my sammich
-go to the pool and swim 1 mile
-go home
-walk to the ice cream store
-talk abou opera with the owner
-walk to someone's house for dinner
-drink with them on th eporch until it si time to go home (approx 2am)
things i learned about my fmaily:
-my geat great uncle founded the NRA
-we owned several hotels at one point
i also ofund a wallet from 1872 in one of the closets which i am now using
-how do i know it is from 1872? the trian schedule in it is from 1872.
anyone should show up. my neighbors are hilarious and have pretty much any connection you could want. law, financ, art, sports, whatever.
i have a lto more to write, but i have't tuly woken up yet.