Oct 16, 2002 01:10
well i dont know where to even begin, this weekend was by far the best weekend of my life, first off ill start by sayin i love holly she is the greatest and put on the best weekend ever and id like to thank her for that. Now friday i left school at 230 to binghamton to get heidi and her friend cara. i get to binghamton and we dont leave there til 630. so me heidi and her friend cara(both hot as hell but even though heidi will argue it she is way hotter than cara) smoke up on the way home and we only smoked like a 1/3rd of a joint that heidi had givin us each like 3 hits and we got mad fucked up. i was high for 2 hrs. we drop cara off and get to her house at like 1030 when the drinkin begins, i slammed 2 quick than went to the attic where we just smoked non stop til i passes out after 2 hrs of being there. i wake up saturday and dont wanna work so i call my dad and tell him im not gonna. so instead i hang out with holly all day. we took back the emptys from friday night and just chilled. i went home round 4 and showered and then went back to hollys at like 9. we get there and go inside and there are 823472083442654365416 15 yr old fucks in the house. well i could care less cuz i still got really fucked up. oh and i also did something really stupid on saturday called lets punch eachother in the leg for an hour cuz we are stupid and drunk. well i didnt enjoy it the next day when i rolled out of holly sbed and stood up and my leg killed. i was limping all day. and the shittiest part was i had to work with my dad all day on it and that was a bitch. sunday after i worked i ate dinner then went back to hollys with a 30 pack and we got fucked up again, then monday i went home at 7pm and showered then went back where me mike m, and tom smoked like the biggest joint ever. then me holly and mike u went to get conrad and mr p at the airport which put a end to the partyin fuc at hollys. but that was my fun weekend and thanks again holly.i am kinda mad cuz i missed the douche war on friday though. well im out