Nov 17, 2002 03:25
this weekend was shitty as hell and not even worth coming offence to the people i hung out with. but i didnt do n e thing fun. friday i went to the sabres game which kinda sucked cuz they lost. then i went t dennys and hun out with the doods, wooohooo sooo fun. i just get bored as fuck cuz all they talk about is cars and i havent a clue in the workld what they are talking about most of th time. most ties thee is someone else there that hasnt a clue too that i can talk to but not friday night. then today i had to work int he fucking freezing cold all day. the only thing i was looking forward to was going to see a new movie with holly. but that got cancelled cuz she had to go watch her brothers hockey game. i dont know if she had to or just wanted to but oh well. so instead i went and jammed with rob and brian . but i had a headache. so it sucked. then we were spose to go to hollys for movie night at 10 but she wast there. so we went to stupid fucking dennys and hung out til she got back. then we watched some movies. insomnia was good but i was so tired i couldnt focus thats y i would have prfered to go to a movie earlier. now i get to work tomorow then drive 2 hurs to skool. the only good thig about this weekend is gnna be when i crack open a beer tomorrow and start my spree of getting shitfaced. im just getting so sick of life and everything is bringing me down. people trya nd tell me im not depressed but i do believe i am. some of the only times i am happy are when i am drunk or stoned and thats because my mind goes blank. and other times are when i hang out with certain people. but it aint often enough. well i think i am gonna stop talking now because i doubt n e of you wanna read n e more of my complaining about my pathetic life. so good bye all.