I forgot to tell everyone that I got my packages! Travel System,Swing, and travel bed are here, we're waiting for the high chair...saving for the crib and mattress.
Thats awesome.. I have the Winnie the Pooh travel swing, i dont know if i am going to bother getting a regulat one. I bought Isa's mattress at Walmart for 40 bucks and its REALLY nice, and I bought her crib at Once Upon A Child for 50 bucks and its so nice also. And it turns into a toddler bed
go to the consignment shop! Do you have a Once Upon a Child where you live? You can save soooo much money shopping there, I also bought her bedding set there Winnie the Pooh in like new condition not a stain on it, for 35 dollars (and it included the little lamp)
I need a mattress still, and the crib, then we'll be pretty much set--except bedding.
babies cost so much
i spent the summer on Oakloosa Island in Ft Walton.. and constantly snuck into the radision to play in the lazy river lol
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