Jul 20, 2005 12:13
Man, yesterday was silly. I'll tell it in two versions. If you don't want to read the dirty version, just read the clean one.
Clean version: I went out with friends last night to chill. My car got towed! I was pissed about that. I had to pay $100. And that sets me back if I want to go on another trip before school. I got home at about 4am.
Dirty version: I went to the hooka bar to just chill with some people. I didn't feel like smoking, so I didn't. I went to a friends house and chilled w/ some dude, while everyone was getting high outside. Watched a little tv, danced a little, and watched stupid shit on the computer. After a few people left, we watched a little porn. When a friend and I decided to leave, we started freakin out cuz we couldn't find our cars. We got fukin towed! fuck. FUCK. FUCK!!! I had no idea where we parked was illegal. It's not illegal anywhere else, except the housing association in that area made a rule of no parking curbside. I don't smoke cigarettes often. But waiting at the lot for the tow ppl just stressed me out. I was pissed about this whole stupid situation. So I smoked a couple fags, then got blazed afterwards.
It's funny how I never park illegally, but I got towed. But then I speed everytime I drive, and I've never gotten a ticket.