Apr 27, 2009 18:45
Why is it that right when I think my lucks picking up im left right where I started?
Its been probably over a year now that I haven't had a car. Its funny how's my mom can change her mind on the drop of a dime. Im tired of having to depend on her. I tired of having to worry about how everyone feels. I just need to get away from everything. Seriously I can't handle anything anymore. Its sad that this is what I've become and its probably the total opposite of what I thought id be when I was younger, but sometimes things just don't go how you want them.
Im realizing that im never satisfied with anything anymore. Disappointment is all I have coming my way because im almost positive that if there is a god out there he's forgotten about me. Nothing I do is even good enough and when I do try to put effort into something it always ends up fucked up.
So, fuck it. I don't care anymore. I'll just rot in this town for the rest of my life and be fine with the way things are.