I heart him <3

Oct 03, 2005 21:41

wow .. what a crappy weekend .... minus the fact that i got to see Jared 2 times =D haha but no the ahs homecoming sucked .... the principal wouldn't let anyone fast dance .... he said we would be "too close" .... ha too close my butt .... what's the difference between slow dancing and fast dancing? personally i think you're closer when you slow dance .... but obviously he seems to think different ..... 30 people got kicked out, and between the people who left and the ones that did get kicked out .... there was hardly anyone left at the end. it was pathetic .... me and Jared got somethin said to us because he had his arm around my shoulder .... we were mad. he told us that we needed to back off because we were gettin too close. gahhh! and lets see .... he even paid the DJ 600 dollars to play music for us to stand around to. ooo! that's not all ... he went out and bought a 17,000 dollar sound system SPECIFICALLY for the dances.... and probably for the basketball games .... but that's a whole 18,000 dollars wasted! but oh well ... it was higgins fault. all i know is that the kids at ahs are rentin the armory out the same night as their winter formal.... and instead of kids showin up to the dance at the high school .. they'd show up at the armory instead ..... good idea aye? yeah that's what i thought too .... i really think it'll work ... like we're gonna charge 5 bucks at the door for tickets .... and pay the dj/armory.... and the rest would go to the hurricane relief program. that way higgins would waste all this money for a dance that no one will show up to (= haha it's gonna be great!! and see ... the parents wouldn't have a problem sponsoring the dance because alot of them don't like higgins to begin with .... so it'll work out perfectly (= it's his fault that he made the dance like that .... so way to go bud.

but anyways .... yesterday was Jared and I's 2 month anniversary (= hehe i heart that boy to death .... he's the best boyfriend i've ever had ..... he's nice .... respective ..... a perfect gentleman ..... and a definate sweetheart .... i'm a very lucky girl. i hope we last a very long time (= he's definately worth it. <3

gahh well i'm gonna get off here and get to bed .... i'll try updating soon .... but it's hard to tell with me .... i've been real busy lately =/ hmph ... oh and i have school tomorrow .. i was fortunate to have a 3 day weekend =D love you! <3

-JoHnNaKaItLiN <3's JaReDaLaN- 8/2/05
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