Mar 04, 2007 00:05

Here's a strange thing.
My daughter's boyfriend's mother came round and somehow we got talking about BNL.
And she said - my nephew had something to do with them once. I can't remember what it was. Then she said - oh yes, he was photographed for an album.
I ran and got BOAPS - 'is this your nephew on the cover?' 'Yes, that's him'

In the next couple of weeks he is coming over here and they are all going to a party.
What a strange, and small world it is.

I got accepted on a Master's course at Warwick University.
I planned to take 20th Century English literature, but I have completely changed tack and I am going to be taking an MA in Religious Education. Yep, in the next few years I am going to be a Religious Education teacher. I can see the kids preparing their amunition right now.

My spine of Barenaked Ladies Are Men actually says Barenaked Ladies Are Me.
Is this rare? Am I in the money?

We are selling the house. I think it's known as downsizing. We live in an expensive area and don't need to anymore.

I am going to China at the end of this month - it's a business trip, but I'm going on my own. I hope to visit some temples while I am there.

I think I've managed to lose touch with just about everyone I knew on-line.
I MUST send e-mails - there has been alot happening around here.

Going to Roskilde Festival, near Copenhagen in July and really looking forward to meeting up with my Danish friends again. My Danish language skills are improving and I will intensify my learning over the next couple of months.

Think that's about it.
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