Just catching up

May 12, 2010 07:56

Last weekend was the trip to Orange County.

The full impact of this trip will not be realized for some time.

For years Melissa and I have talked about collecting interviews with friends from around the country who were involved in the earliest revival of The Rites of Eleusis, in order to capture the tales of those halcyon days before they are forgotten.

As the centennial of Crowley's Caxton Hall presentation of the Rites approached and there was a plan for a video retrospective, it seemed like the time had come to do something about it. So, after exchanging a few emails with initiates in Orange County, we were committed to shooting these interviews in order to edit them for inclusion as special features.

I borrowed a camera and Melissa and I flew into John Wayne Airport on Friday morning. We got into the mood by reading the magickal diaries and correspondences of Jane Wolfe in the Red Flame on the plane as we we're on our way to collect still more history. Reading the tales from Pasadena prepared us for just about anything.

We landed just before 9am, and it was 72 degrees. We stood on the curb for a few minutes, getting our bearings until our ride arrived, and from then on we were fully immersed in tales of the early O.T.O. in Southern California for several days.

I don't want to get into who we interviewed or the things we learned, as I don't want to spoil the final unveiling. It is enough to say that it was funny, and inspiring, and a wonderful experience that I hope to repeat again soon.

We scanned over 100 photographs and shot 4 hours of interviews with 9 different initiates, and we're just getting started.

So, that was a good weekend.

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