Case in point...

Nov 02, 2009 12:17

O.K., remember the Pastor Steve video? Funny.

And remember what I recently said about people posting obnoxious critiques on the internet? Irritating.

So, someone sees the Pastor Steve video and shares his thoughts under the comment section:

Fuck you, fuck pastor Steve.

Really Brogan? You have all the time in the world to craft something scathing and clever and that is the best you got? I had to reply. Note the creativity, and juxtaposition of shocking imagery within the context of an implied refusal of a sexual advance. Some real effort went into the reply, because, damn-it, I care.

Wow, Brogan. That is quite an offer. While I can't speak for Pastor Steve, I would rather jam a glass thermometer up my urethra and then beat my penis with a ball-peen hammer than share an intimate sexual moment with you. Thanks for the comment!

I know that responding to the Trolls is not really any more effective than dumping buckets of water from the deep end of the pool into the shallow end, but I find it emotionally satisfying. Perhaps my example of the effort involved in real creative writing will be inspiring. Perhaps not.

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Just another day. Jon
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