Tokyo Introduction
Yes, I’m still alive. Looking at my journal, it appears that I haven’t posted a new entry since March 1st. Well, here’s some new stuff so all you people threatening to flood my inbox with Nigerian Money scams and Christian Dating Tips emails, can leave me alone.
Because this update is so massive, I’m going to link to each day in Tokyo here so you don’t have to keep scrolling to find the next day.
Day 1 can be found here: Day 2 can be found here: Day 3 can be found here: Day 4 can be found here: Day 5 can be found here: Now, to address something else. My own mother (of all people!) has expressed some doubt as to the events written in this journal. She questions whether they are all true or whether I made some of them up.
I’m going to set the record straight once and for all (Bad Mother!): Everything that is written in this journal is the honest-to-god truth and has actually happened. I have not, nor will I ever, make anything up.
With that being said, the only exception to the above statement concerns Ninjas. Ninjas do not, nor have they ever existed. They are a fabrication of overactive minds and are Tall Tales. And without a doubt, there is not a Ninja standing behind me right now, as I type this, with a wakizashi to my throat, making sure that I disavow all knowledge as to their existence.
So... To sum up, everything in this journal: TRUE.
Ninjas: not real and they definitely don’t wake you up at 2:37am to write disclaimers as to their existence. That is all.
I hope you enjoy my newest journal entries and hopefully more will be coming soon.
Oh, two more things:
1. If you're worried that after this massive update you won't see any for a while, I'll just let you know in advance that I've written up to June so in a couple of days, when people have finished reading this entry, I'll post another one, and a couple of days after that, a third. You get the idea.
2. During my vacation in Tokyo, I listened to various albums which influenced my time there. I thought I'd list them, just for completion's sake:
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue (perfect for those late night subway rides)
BB King - Live in Tokyo (what else)
Rage Against the Machine - The Battle for Los Angeles
AC/DC - Back In Black
Mozart - Requiem
Bruce Springsteen - Nebraska
Counting Crows - August and Everything After
The Doors - Greatest Hits vol. I and II
The Rolling Stones - 40 Licks vol. I and II
Led Zeppelin - How The West Was Won vol. I, II, and III
Simon and Garfunkle - Greatest Hits
U2 - Joshua Tree
Thats it. I hope you enjoy the following entries and feel free to leave any comments you like.