Jun 07, 2005 12:39
I was reminded that I promised to post my Xanga entries onto livejournal, so here you go...complete with dates and comment amounts.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
The summer is awesome not because of school being out, but because a bunch of rad bands always release their new albums and kick-tucas movies also come out during the summer.
Also, world-wide tours are launched.
Cool New Albums:
'X and Y' by Coldplay - I watched the MTV live feed of them playing through this album, and it is totally beazhoi! Especially the Jonny Cash demo they covered called 'Till Kingdom Come'.
'Get Behind Me Satan' by The White Stripes - Rolling Stone magazine said the White Stripes have outdone themselves again, and if their new music is anywhere near what was on 'Elephant', it should be jawesome. The single 'Blue Orchid' also rocks.
'Stand Up' by Dave Matthews Band - I got this one for my birthday, and it rocks hard. If you like acoustic guitar and saxophones, DROP WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND BUY IT NOW.
Cool New Movies:
War of the Worlds - Spielberg, Aliens, and Dakota Fanning, what can go wrong?
Batman Begins - I think Christian Slater is an awesome actor (seen American Psycho?) and Christopher Nolan has never directed a movie I didn't like. Plus they took away the nipples on the Bat-suit.
Dark Water - The latest japanese-american remakes have been snooze-fests, (The Grudge, Ring 2) but the producers were so pleased with the finished product that they moved it to go against The Fantastic Four. Anyways, it has Jennifer Connely, who rocked my world when she was in House of Sand and Fog.
Cool New Tours:
EVERYONE. Plus I might actually get to go to a Don Henely/Stevie Nicks concert.
So there you have it ladies and gents, the movies and music to die for this summer. Many new reasons to sit on your butt instead of doing something productive and healthy.
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
I camped out last night with Daniel, Dusty and Ciera. DON'T play truth or dare with them (I'm a dare-whore).
Today's the 35th anniversary of the Kent State massacre, and I watched a conference about how screwed up the government is.
Democrats and Republicans both work like a big monopoly that's out for their own self-gain. However, if I had to choose between the two, I'd have to pick Democrats. I'm proud to be a libertarian, where at least I know I don't fit a stereotype.
Public - 9:48 PM - 30 eprops - 18 comments - edit it - email it
Friday, May 27, 2005
It's been a pretty awesome summer so far. Saturday I went to Pulaski County after my sister's wedding and Daniel drove me and Ciera to Keno bridge, and even though I was freaking out about how high it was, it was still awesome. After that me, Daniel and Dusty worked on our song that we want to do for our gig or two later in the summer. Then Sunday we went to see Star Wars III and I met our new drummer, Nathan, for the first time and he seems pretty cool. Magen has hilarious friends, and I also got to see Flannery again for the first time in about half a decade. The next day we went to Shane's graduation. I remembered when he used to watch Scooby Doo with me and Dusty, and I realized that it's very surreal how fast everyone's growing up. I mean, Dan's got his license, Shane's going to college, Kirsten's married, etc.
I fell asleep almost as soon as I got home, then tuesday (the next day) I went to Mr. Gatti's with Robin (love you, you crazy veghead) and Mary Beth and we saw the infamous red-tailed soccer player Dale (Daniel and MB know who I'm talking about) but Mary didn't get his phone number despite us begging her to. After that we went to Sam Goody and decided that all of the guitar stuff there is crappy and thirty dollars overprice, so I decided to buy my effects-processor at the little but good Guitar-World in London.
Wednesday I worked on my electric-guitar part for Cobalt Mirror's song, and I came up with a few ideas that I really want to work on with the rest of the band. Then at 5:30 I went to church to hang out with Dusty. Three new kids our age came, and they were really funny so I had a great time there. It made me really sad to remember that I have to leave towards the end of June.
Today I'm just hanging around home and writing bad poetry while listening to The Bravery. I hope the rest of the Summer is this rad.
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
I know nobody wants to hear an emo-spill about how much I love my girlfriend, so I guess I'll spare you and say that I [censor] Robin Hayden a bushel and a pack. We're polar opposites, and I mean POLAR, but we still manage to not kill each other. Me and her went Saturday to hang out at MB's swingin' pad. We ate vegan burgers (because Robbie despises meat) which were suprisingly good, played guitar, and watched a movie. After that we went to the cineplex to say 'hi' to all the people we knew who worked there. We decided then to go see House of Wax, which is a bloddy/gutty stupid fest, but I still had an awesome time. Besides, who wouldn't enjoy seeing Paris Hilton suffer?
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
About the band's situation, I think Daniel is a very responsible person and I trust him. I've known him for almost half my life, so I stand by whatever decisions he thinks are best for the band.
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Saturday, April 30, 2005
Woah, the Military Ball was just awesome. Before the dance, they had a fancy dinner and handed out awards to people in J.R.O.T.C.. The sophistification worried me at first because I hate having to act up tight, but we turned out to have an awesome time. We joked so much that we ended up laughing too loud during a speech enough to get shushed. After everyone finished eating, the whole atmosphere of the place started to loosen up. The dance lasted three hours, and man am I exhausted. The DJ was really good, but I think $450 is a little too much to pay for someone to choose which songs to play. I met a lot of cool people. There was this awesomely funny guy who kept screaming "METALLICA!!" and headbanging in the middle of the dance floor during all of the rap songs, a guy who likes to hang out in graveyards, and a girl who is obsessed with the 80's and wore the coolest neon green dress ever. After my adventure, I lumbered into my room around 12:30, and vowed to stay up long enough to listen to the whole Garden State Soundtrack (The Shins,one of my absolute favorite bands, have two awesome tracks on it). Unfortunately, I didn't even get to press the play button.
Hilary (my sister) woke me at 9:00 (a.k.a way too early for me) and told me that she had the scariest dream ever. *WARNING: BE PREPARED FOR A STATEMENT THAT SOUNDS TOO BIZARRE TO BE TRUE, YET I ASSURE YOU IS 100% LEGITIMATE* She said that in her dream everyone was eaten alive by the little fuzzy Ewoks from the old Star Wars movies. I decided that a scary movie starring Ewoks would totally rock.
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
Man, yesterday was bizz-ee.
I got up at 7:30, and then went to Laurel Lake to go pick up trash for extra-credit in Biology, because I'm not exactly doing so hot in that class. It wasn't that bad, almost everyone in my class went, and we found some awesome crap. My prized discovery was the biggest pair of underwear I've ever seen in my whole life, but it got beat by this guy who found a McDonald's trash can. Maybe next time. When we were done picking up trash, seven of us piled into one car and went to the Root Beer stand for some tasty grease-age.
I came home and called Dan and found out some awesome news that our band got a gig. After that, I went to Sam Goody's to look for a pedal for my amp. I saw MB there, and we went to Mr. Gatti's and played Dance Dance Revolution and I didn't totally suck like when I got showed up by Angel!
I then went home and took a much-needed nap, until MB and Robbie called (love you, you crazy vegetarian you) and we talked for what seemed forever about which movie we wanted to see. We decided to get tickets for A Lot Like Love and sneak in to see Amityville. The only down-fall is that the security is ridiculously tight there, so we had to go see the sucky Ashton Kutcher movie. We still had an awesome time though, and we talked so loud that they turned on the lights in the movie for a little.
I crashed when I got home, and totally forgot about how Daniel asked me to write a song to give to him at church. I remembered the next morning and had to write it on the way to church. I'm sorry if it sucks, man.
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