The other day my Dad came in with a medium-sized square package and asked me what I wanted for Christmas, and I immediately said an electric guitar. He looked worried and asked me if I wouldn't rather have a playstation or something like that. I felt really bad, and later I told my sisters the story, and how I knew what he got me for christmas now. Last night we were opening presents, and I was the last to go. My dad handed me the square package I mentioned before, and after tearing off the wrapping paper and using a pocket knife to cut the tape on the cardboard box inside, I could only see the top of something black and plastic looking. I thought it was a toolbox, and I looked incredibly confused. I started to take the newspaper that surrounded the edge of the wierd object, when I saw a speaker from inside. I almost dropped it I was so overcome. It was a freaking amp! I buried my head in my arms and almost started to bloody cry. Well, I guess I don't need to tell you the rest. I played with it all night until my Dad made me stop because he wanted to hear the television.
I still don't know what to name her yet, but she's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. Who cares about girls when you have a guitar?