Janitor I've become

Jul 24, 2006 08:31

Finally got the courage to don a pair of gloves.
I'm the janitor

God I love Toad (the wet sprocket).

So anyways I'm posting this now cause I have new LJ lookers. I suppose.

I had a wierd dream about getting a myspace comment that changed everything, or at least made clear stuff. What the hell is that? I'm a whore. For intarweb. Fucktasmic. Myspace has made perverse my dreams.

Also political.

Anyways, formalities aside. Israel has every right to fuck the shit out of Lebanon. People ask them how long they're going to fight and I know the answer, until A) you stop us or B) they give us back our two soldiers.

I mean fuck if the Lebanonese people really want a way to stop the conflict, get rid of Hamas. Simple as that, if they want Israel to stop bombing them back a decade all they have to do is drop support for Hamas. And if Hamas really cared about the people the soldiers would be sipping tea at home.

And fucking disproportionate response? What the hell? That's fucking bullshit and everyone knows it. As I recall it's Hamas who wanted 50 or so of their militants to be released from prisons in exchange for the two soldiers, that's fucking disproportionate. There's a difference between doing your duty to your country and willing to die to become a martyr. If someone kidnapped two of my kids (if I had em) and I had the capability of kicking the shit out of everyone involved, even those who stood by and watched it, I would. Human lives are not equal, especially when one culture raises their fucking sons to be martyrs, suicide bombers as we call them. Some countries value the lives of their people, some cultures can't afford to stand idly by, sometimes when you're surrounded by enemies, you gotta flex your muscle.

Israel doesn't want to be pestered by the muslim countries surrounding it, and when they're pestered they'll do everything they can to stop the pestering. We'll know when shit gets out of hand when entire patrols of Israelis are kidnapped, because everyone knows Israel is holding back, if they weren't Lebanon wouldn't be on the map. This will only get messier, and Israel isn't the problem, it's a physical law that applies to all things, as Syria and other muslim states enter the conflict, Israel is going to spread it's forces thinner and hit harder and faster than before.

Open your eyes people, sympathy is not for those who watch their people die and keep on supporting the source of the problem.
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