In the evenings, I have been watching too much TV lately. Before that, I was playing too much Madden. And thinking about the time I spend after I get home after work, and before the really good evening shows come on TV, I came to realize that I kind of miss reading. I used to read. I never read a lot, but a book every couple of weeks was not outside the norm. TV and video games are fun, sure, but there is a kind of fulfillment that comes from reading that just does not quite get satisfied in other ways. Explaining that, however, is outside the scope of this LJ entry, lol.
Well, having decided to start reading more again, I went to the book shelf in the computer room and found a book that someone apparently gave me at some point, but which I had never read: "The Magical World of the Lord of the Rings" by David Colbert. It was quite a lite (misspelling intended) read, but I definitely enjoyed it. One of the chapters, for example, was, "Why Are Elves Tall?" Lol. It had a lot of interesting ideas tying LoTR to literary history and mythology. So, it was fun, but fast.
So, what next? Well, I accidentally purchased a Christmas present book for Meggan that she already had: "Breaking Dawn". I suppose I could have sent it back for a refund, but I realized that I actually would like to know what is going to happen in the final movie installment of the Twilight series. I was particularly interested in the, for me, shocking ending of the latest movie, where Jacob unexpectedly bonded with a new character. I'm quite curious how that's going to go.
So, I have read the first few chapters. Bella is now pregnant, and they're about to fly back to Washington. It's been quite interesting. Only having seen the movies, I have learned something I did not previously understand about the Bella character: she is a loser. She has zero self-esteem. She lets herself be carried along by forces outside herself and is loved through no "fault" of her own, lol. The actress portraying Bella, I now see, is doing an excellent job. Before, I just thought Kristin Stewart was wooden. Well, when you portray a wooden character, you should act wooden! Surprisingly to me, I am enjoying it, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out.
Last weekend, Hannah and I went to see Hugo in 3D. Apparently, I got the times wrong, though - it was not showing even close to when I thought it would. We ended up watching "MI4: Ghost Protocol" instead. It was a lot of fun - a throwaway popcorn movie, yes, but thrilling in parts and generally interesting. Tom Cruise impresses me. I have read and heard that he does his own stunts. Knowing this adds a certain excitement to watching the action unfold, I must admit. Catch it on DVD when it comes out.
Today I finished an assignment that could be worth a couple of thousand dollars to me next spring. My boss had told me earlier this year that part of my bonus will depend on this certain project, but he had not assigned anything to me specifically regarding it until a few weeks ago. I wish he had not waited so long, because I have other irons in the fire, but I guess it turned out OK. I wrote some pretty nifty code that should do the trick. Truth be told, it was kind of a fun intellectual challenge.
The TV show "American Horror Story" [SPOILER ALERT] is fooking brilliant. All the main characters are now dead, literally ghosts of their former selves. How will the series maintain itself going forward? I can't wait to find out! [END SPOILERS]
As those who know me well understand, my sense of guilt can be skewed at times. Jon: when a video is intentionally titillating, it is not wrong to feel titillated! Hopefully, I will remember this lesson going forward, but watching this
Selena Gomez music video had me questioning myself for longer than is reasonable, lol. Btw - kudos on the Max Headroom shout-out, the blindfolded lightsaber reference, and, is that L.A. Reed in the background at the 1:21 mark??? Finally, what does SHE see in Justin Bieber - she is way too good for him!
NFL: The Packers will beat the Patriots in an epic Super Bowl this year, following an equally epic battle against the Saints in the NFC championship. You heard it here first.
On Monday, Sarah took the girls to visit their KY grandmother this week, until Thursday. Before she left, Meggan wrote me a message on our family white board: "I love you, Dad! See you when we get back. Try not to feel too lonely without us - Meggan. <3." I love my family!