Comment here with your characters' name and I will tell you what Jon thinks of them. (If they have met or interacted, of course.) It does not have to be said that this is mun knowledge only!
Like with Aidan, Jon would love to talk to Wes more. Especially lately ;)
He thinks Wes could loosen up a little where... kink is concerned ;) but that's not a bad thing! ;) He likes his humour. He likes how Wes can make him laugh, no matter what.
He just wishes sometimes he and Aidan weren't so exclusive ;)
Hehehehe. Wes and Aidan exclusive? That's funny. They tried that once, but at this point they are back in that whole open thing. Course, not sure how that might change when they do the committment thing. :D
He thinks Wes could loosen up a little where... kink is concerned ;) but that's not a bad thing! ;) He likes his humour. He likes how Wes can make him laugh, no matter what.
He just wishes sometimes he and Aidan weren't so exclusive ;)
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