*frowns* I know all too well about hate crimes. I get beaten or used to on a fairly regular basis. I just figure why make everyone else happy and me be miserable? *frowns then at the lover thing and shudders* I don't like the idea of that
Oh no I still do just less now because I don't live on the streets anymore *smiles and shrugs* people just don't like my sparkling charm. Okay maybe not sparkling charm just not many approve of who I am and how I choose to live.
Well that just sucks. Too many close minded people. Though the worse I ever met well okay that would be a tie. Would be my papi who wasn't too pleased with my decisions and tried beating it out of me and my ex boyfriend who did the same and tried beating it out of me. I see a pattern forming *blinks*
Well for now I can't really hide the fact that under all this I'm still a guy *giggles* so depends if we go based on physical or mental. *wrinkles nose* hmm nope am a girl definately *nods and blinks* sorry I just rambled
I hope you don't get that kind of crap anymore?
And no, I don't like the idea of that either.
I understand you in that aspect.
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