Mixed Bag

Mar 31, 2007 22:20

Mixed bag of stuff in this post. Firstly, 300. Went to see it tonight with Xanthipe and another LARPer called Flo. And we enjoyed it. Mostly because we were laughing. A lot. I mean, guys in tight black leather underwear? A little hard to take them seriously (although much droolage on my part =p).

There were a couple of odd little bits that also caught my eye. A large bottomless pit? In the middle of a city? Obviously I've not been keeping up with Garden Force or Changing Rooms, as this seems to have replaced the water feature as a must have. It just strikes me as...unnecessary I think is the word I'm looking for. Also, major bling on the Persians. Did they also come up with the concept of Burberry while they were at it? If so, I now know who to blame! And somehow, during the course of the film I came up with the idea of an exploding rhino. I tell you, my mind is a very strange place... One other thing that struck me was that I could (and did from time to time) segue quite happily from 300 to another film. Namely, LOTR. As Xan pointed out, you could yell "Orthanc's the other way guys!" and still feel right at home.
The bit that tickled me the most was that, according to Hollywood, Sparta is now in Scotland. I mean, Leonidas has an accent only beaten by Sean Connery! Colour him blue, change the red cloak for tartan and you've got William Wallace from Braveheart!
"Spartans! They may take our Land, but they will never take our Freedom!"
On the whole though, a good time out. Especially as we went out for tapas afterwards ^_^

Also, just to earn the name "mixed bag", this post has
Well, I went to the hospital yesterday for my monthly check up on the leg. The usual routine, sit around, get an x-ray, sit around some more, see the doctor, go home. But not this time. Apparently I have a problem. The bone's aren't healing. The doc said that there wasn't nearly as much callousing of the bone as there should be. Apparently I now have to go in for a procedure called Dynamisation (not involving my leg exploding), which means taking out some of the screws so that the pin can move around. It's only a day op thank goodness. But it's a pain. Oh, and if this doesn't work, then it's time for the bone grafts. Yay. Whoo. Yay. So, trying to remain positive. Here goes nothing...
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