I know, I know. Two updates in one day? I really do spoil you somewhat, don't I?
Nothing hugely important, just some videos that I found on
YouTube this afternoon that I, for one reason and another, found amusing.
First off, remember Shakira singing "Whatever, wherever"? Well an american TV show did
this as a parody of it, with some very funny lyrics in it.
Also rather good is the Madonna/Britney colaboration mickey take
here. Oh, and the
Hit Me Baby One More Time ripoff is very funny, if mildly disturbed.
Does anyone else apart from me find James Blunt intensely irritating? Then
this and
this should make you laugh.
Last of all, I've found the proper music videos to
Barbie Girl,
Weapon of Choice annd various others. And I can't let you go without
this from Sister Act. Say what you will about Whoopi Goldberg, but this song is great!