Hey, look, a real update!

Nov 08, 2009 21:28

I think I've been promising one of these since May. I guess it's time to actually deliver. However, since it's been such a long time, I'm going to give more of the highlights version in a vague semblance of a something like an order:

-I interned at the Folger Theatre in DC (attached to the Folger Shakespeare Library) over the summer. That went very well, and I made some great contacts and learned a fair amount. I also did some amazingly tedious and mind numbing busy work. But, hey, that's what interns are for.
-I was in The Merchant of Venice with the Jewish Theatre Workshop in Baltimore in August. The show was well received and though there are some elements that I thought would have been more effective if done differently, I was very happy to get into a show right out of college. Also I ended up working as the Master Electrician for the show and redid their fight choreography to be both safer and look better.
-I started dating one of my friends who's a senior at Goucher. That's been going very well.
-I started at the Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, also in DC, as the Assistant to the General Manager. This is going well, and I'm once again making good contacts and learning a lot about the business end of running a theatre. I do wish it paid better though.
-My own theatre company (The Box Colony Theatre Company - look us up on Facebook; main website to be finished soon!) incorporated and has started planning for our first production, which we are currently hoping to be at the New York Fringe Festival, this coming August. We are also shortly applying for non-profit status. Then all your donations will be fully tax deductible!
-I was a groomsman at ornery_onion and lunathecat's wedding, which was beautiful and I'm so happy to have been a part of it.
-I worked at Badger Blades at the MD Renaissance Faire again this year, and it was a blast, as usual. Hopefully I can find a way to work again next year, despite planning on living up in NJ.
-I went to my cousin Becky's wedding out in San Diego a few weeks ago. That was also beautiful and it was great reconnecting with family, most of whom I hadn't seen in 9+ years.
-I did the fight choreography for the Jewish Theatre Workshop's production of Art which was performed at the beginning of the month. I will probably (unless I get another job - that y'know, pays) be doing the lighting design for their upcoming production of The Importance of Being Ernest.
-I still haven't been able to find a bartending job. This is very sad.
-I think it's time for another mention of my main focus for the future: The Box Colony Theatre Company.

I think that's about everything major...Hopefully it won't be another like 5 months before my next real update. We'll see.
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